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  1. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I do exactly the same thing, separate the broody/chicks in the coop for a few days after hatch to make sure the babies are able to keep up with mama and ensure that the little family is doing well. The first 2-3 days I would worry about a baby getting separated from the hen and dying from the...
  2. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    One of my oeg bantam broodies did something similar. I gave her two heritage RIR chicks and they are very very slow to develop (they were all down until about 6-7 weeks old). Anyway when they were 3 weeks she decided they should be able to fly up to the roosts (the way her previous bantam...
  3. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    That is interesting, my two bantams have raised 3 clutches this year, often only 2 chicks to a clutch. I always worried that if one chick died the other would be the "odd man out" during adolescence. I have Mareks in the flock so I am always worried about the adolescents being stressed. I...
  4. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Couple of questions about broody behavior. I have two older OEG Bantam Hens (6 years or so). One raised a clutch of 2 standard laying chicks and the babies are now about 5 months old and huge (3 times the size of their broody). She doesn't really call them anymore but the three are still...
  5. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I wouldn't risk it either, you will feel really awful if the chick dies as a result of trying again and I doubt if it would work. Probably too late but I have to wonder if some brown non-toxic dye would have done the trick (like the kind they sell for dogs).
  6. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Thanks. You are right, typically the bantam eggs do hatch a couple of days early. Yes, the 25th will be the 21st day so hopefully we will be looking at a hatch date around 7/23. This broody is a first time mother but I expect she will be excellent, she is 5-6 years old (retired show oegb...
  7. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Question -- I have a broody bantam sitting on a single bantam egg, I expect a hatch date of 7/25 or so. I plan to get a couple of more chicks so this baby won't end up alone during adolescence (I worry the stress might kill the chick, I have Marek's in my flock so stress is a concern)...
  8. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Definitely don't take the babies away from her! She will keep them warm (and she earned those chicks). Mama hens are the experts at raising little ones, you will be amazed to see how fast the chicks progress compared to those kept in a brooder. The babies are also so very quiet and content...
  9. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    The run is way too small. Get some fencing and build them a bigger run (preferably covered). My birds are only in the coop at night and to lay eggs, the rest of the time they are outdoors eating grass, etc... I have seen a pic of your coop, build a much larger run! IMO.
  10. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    The house part seems big enough but I would want more run space, the more run the better.
  11. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    If it were my bird I would absolutely relocate the whole nest and the broody to a separate area inside the coop. Keep her penned in with the nest for a couple of days so she doesn't abandon it.
  12. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Definitely clean it up. She can't do it and yes it can contaminate other eggs. It can also attract ants which can be a disaster. Can you clean the nest when she takes her daily break? I wouldn't wait to long though.
  13. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Please realize that while trying different things is no big deal to you, it is a monumental big deal to each broody that is trying for weeks to hatch/raise chicks. It also takes a real physical toll on the hens health to sit on eggs for weeks, it is not something to take lightly if you value...
  14. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Video of my broody having breakfast with her two 1 week old bantam babies. When she loudly announces FOOD the rooster (daddy) flies over the fence separating the broody/chick pen to steal some of the goodies being advertised.
  15. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Surely you have some scraps of chicken wire or a dog crate or something you can set that nest box in. Put up a barrier and give her food/water.
  16. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Another problem with Broody's hatching in a communal area, if there are several eggs and some hatch a day earlier sometimes the broody will have to leave the eggs to chase after active chicks that are scampering about. Peace, quiet, and private space is always best.
  17. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Most folks move the broody/nest to their own area when a hen starts sitting on hatching eggs. If you move the nest be aware as they will often go back to the OLD nest spot for a couple of days so plan to keep her block in for the first couple of days (with food and water of course).
  18. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I would take that last egg and check for signs of life (a pip for instance). The egg is probably dead but still check.
  19. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Personally, and I am sure others will say they couldn't are less about this, but I believe it would be extremely cruel to have a broody devote several weeks hatching eggs and finally be rewarded with precious baby chicks only to have them all taken away a couple of days later. Years ago I...
  20. Sonya9

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Hard to give advice without knowing anything about the situation. Where is the broody? Is she in a separate area of the coop? In a dog crate? What?
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