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  1. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    I have gotten a lot of young birds in this year, and I can see how some grow faster than others, feather out, etc--so when I see that I can understand somewhat how its not market feasible to butcher all those roosters after feeding them up to what may be ten to twelve weeks depending on the...
  2. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    We had some standard cochin mixes that we let grow up a bit too long, and like someone said they were I quit bbqing them and put them in the chicken and rice crock pot. If nothing else, I figured I could strain the meat out and use them for boillion (sp) flavor...and yep...
  3. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    Quote: Originally Posted by stoneunhenged I'll save you a trip out of country. Canonizing is not illegal in the US. (this made me...
  4. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    As an evangelical pastor (meaning, conservative--but not fundamentalist, nor am I liberal in all my understandings of the Bible), I see everyone's concerns here and it concerns myself also as a chicken/pheasant person. We raise eggs for eating, but we only order straight runs in getting new...
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