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  1. SwampPrincessChick

    Easter Egger hen or roo?

    Yes, the two are pullets. For your information, just for learning purposes, the things that make your cockerel obvious include: Pointed hackles. Pointed saddles. Sickles. Golden streaks in feathers that only males can have. Wing bows that are a different color than the rest of the body, which...
  2. SwampPrincessChick

    Easter Egger hen or roo?

    Your rooster was actually attacking the cockerel to show dominance. All chickens have saddle feathers. It's the shape of the saddle feathers that matters. Males have pointed saddle feathers, and females have rounded saddle feathers.
  3. SwampPrincessChick

    Easter Egger hen or roo?

    This is definitely not true, this is an obvious cockerel. Pointed saddles, pointed hackles, sickles, male-specific coloring on the wing bow, etc.
  4. SwampPrincessChick

    Easter Egger hen or roo?

    Obvious cockerel.
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