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  1. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    No musk as far as I know. My boys don't stink. Maybe he got pooped on with one of those stinky poops, or maybe he has some underlying skin condition, or mites? Those are only guesses.
  2. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    I would look at hatchery Barred Rocks. I've had both hatchery Delawares and BR, and the BR were better layers. And they were heavy, too--lots of good meat on those girls. The BR is one of the breeds I'd used to make my farmyard sex links if I decided to raise meat birds for us to eat.
  3. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    I've never had my yard look like a pillow fight, and I have 60 birds! Your birds that moulted lightly now may go through another moult in the spring so that you get pretty feathers. I agree, I love how the hens look after they've moulted. Especially the white Leghorns--they are so pristine and...
  4. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    Nothing is grosser than a Cornish X. I don't have any experience with the colored Ranger meat birds, so I wonder if they'd be gross, too? :)
  5. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    Your birds are probably moulting, but it's been an easy moult and you just didn't see it. They don't usually lose all their feathers at once. Sometimes the only reason I know my girls are moulting is that they start being able to fly over the pasture fence because they dropped the flight...
  6. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    If your coop is small, you only need a 60 watt light bulb to do some good. We did the math on the Cornish X, and they worked out to over $12 per bird! When you add that cost to the fact that butchering is NOT FUN AT ALL, we stopped doing it. It just wasn't worth it to us. We sold the majority...
  7. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    If you get up the courage to do meat--it's really tasty. We had some Cornish X babies and I didn't feel bad about butchering them--they were really gross. Baby layer hens are like little teeny adorable birds. Baby meat birds are big and gross and smelly and lay in their food dish and eat all the...
  8. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    If you have them laying naturally, no light, then definitely they will take a lot more time off this winter. It won't be more time off than laying time, but it will mean a long period in the winter with you buying eggs in the store. How long do you plan to keep these hens? Mine are here three...
  9. WalkingOnSunshine

    Serious Moulting

    It won't stop them from moulting, but supplementary light will definitely get them laying again this winter. With no light, they may not lay again until Spring.
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