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  1. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    LOL, that explains me definitely. Especially the denture one...I once lost my dentures in the spa; and they popped up right beside my ninth boy friend...he got so scared that he dumped me then and there lol...that's ok. He was a fresh kleen ex getting old.
  2. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    Ahh, the days of when my skin was smooth, the days of my youth. I had a fit when I watched the latest Pirates of the Carribean about the Fountain of youth...
  3. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    I def qualify for this Council Oldsters/Geezers. I'm 68 and am on my sixth marriage lol. Would you like me to tell you about my gallstone surgery?
  4. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    ray's two cents : Quote: We live too far away from nowhere to shop at a store. But yeah, atleast the newspaper comes and I read about 'black friday' and the crazy shoppers. What is black Friday? I saw threads about it on BYC but I'm not really familiar with the term. You read the...
  5. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    ray's two cents : Quote: 7. Fail, but I guess that's my city peers you're talking about, where they're out shopping till the wee hours of the morning. We live too far away from nowhere to shop at a store. But yeah, atleast the newspaper comes and I read about 'black friday' and the...
  6. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    Quote: Lucky. My animals 'bahhh' me awake.
  7. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    I wake up at 6 am. How early to you wake up?
  8. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    I believe the Geezers have abandoned this thread.
  9. WooingWyandotte

    The Council of Oldsters/Geezers of BYC!!

    Why doesn't everyone UNDER 21 stay on their own thread and the respectable elders stay on the OVER 21 thread. Some of the leetle ones are being silly, which cannot be withstood by the Elders.
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