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  1. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Too late! We had to get rid of him, he was crowing so often!
  2. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Yay, I'm back on! I haven't been on for a while, so I want to catch up on what people are doing around here! Update, Berry started to crow, so we had to get rid of him, Chestnut has been caught by a hawk, Lucky has FINALLY started to lay her beautiful blue/green eggs, and everyone else is good...
  3. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Oh no! I found out that my young buffie chick is a roo! He hasn't crowed yet, but he has hackles, GARGANTUAN spurs, and the biggest comb and wattle I have ever had on a roo! He's already tried to mate with his favorite girl, Chestnut, who is a black-sex linked, and that's pretty much what...
  4. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Awwwwwww..... Have you ever had an entire group of new chicks fall asleep on your lap? I did once, and I didn't dare get up!! They had blacked out completely!!!! SO ADORABLE!!!
  5. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    My favorite snuggle bird BY FAR is my Aru. She's super sweet and she'll let me hold her like a baby!! But my two adult buffies, (not including Berry, who is still a little chickie,) are very good snuggle birds too. My black sex-linked adult called Daddy is also sweet. I guess I really have ALL...
  6. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Cool! Yeah, I still have quite a bit of land for 10 birdies. I'm glad that we moved here from our other place, because we weren't even allowed to HAVE chickens there.Who doesn't want a snugly Arucana to cuddle.
  7. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    That's still quite a bit of land! Including our frontyard, house, and backyard, we don't even have 1 ACRE!!! But we still have 10 beautiful birdies!
  8. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Okay, this is a really hilarious story. So, we've been through several 1,000,000,000 Arucanas, and they have all either been roos or have been caught by raccoons and things like that. Well, we just figured out that the one that we have RIGHT NOW is a hen, and she has the LEAST amount of...
  9. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    How much land do you have?? You must have a ton to have all those birdies!!!
  10. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Sorry, I meant it to be for ChickenLover200. I accidentally quoted you instead. LOLZ!!
  11. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Sorry, I meant it to be for ChickenLover200. I accidentally quoted you instead. LOLZ!!
  12. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    You SHOULD watch it!! It's rated PG13 though, but it's still pretty kid-friendly. A few frightening parts, (obviously,) but otherwise, pretty good.
  13. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Okay, have you guys gotten in on the chicken shaming thing that's totally hilarious???? I HAD to get in on it, so I took Flashwing, (my only Ancona,) who had tried to eat a dead mouse a few months earlier, and hung a sign around her neck that said, "'I crushed the head of a mouse that my kitty...
  14. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Hardy har har! Buttercup's in almost the entire movie. And guess what??? I just got FOUR MORE CHICK-CHICKS!! I got an Australorp, a Buff Orpington, a Black-Sex Linked, and yet ANOTHER Easter egger.Every single Easter Egger that we've gotten so far has either been a rooster or has been caught by...
  15. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Awesome! Yeah, Buttercup is from a movie. Have you seen the Princess Bride? That's what it's from. Why would someone want to name someone else BUTTERCUP???? It's just wrong!
  16. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Hardy har har har! Not ALL of them are movie characters. (I think.) Well, Buttercup is, and Ariel, Elsa. Not so sure about Misty though. Peppermint and Daddy, probably not. How many birds do you have?
  17. WyandotteLove1

    Your Happy Flock

    Absolutely love the names! Mine aren't exactly 'original', because my five year old sis got in on the job. The ones that she named were Ariel, Daddy, and Elsa. (Of course!)
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