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  1. azygous

    Are these worms or something else?

    Salpingitis is very hard to treat, but if the hen is very young and on the chance you may have caught it earlier than later, you may try to treat it. But it's your call.
  2. azygous

    Are these worms or something else?

    Bacteria is everywhere. It's why we wash our hands a lot. Staph likes to enter through cuts. E.coli likes to find ways to get inside your intestines and stomach. It's why we wash out hands a lot. Wash your hands a lot, and you don't need to jump though so many hoops. You don't need to do...
  3. azygous

    Are these worms or something else?

    Worms have segments and are symmetrical. That is lash material otherwise known as chicken pus from the oviduct. It's a sign of bacterial infection. However, it's chronic and by the time pus is being expelled from the oviduct, it's usually too late to treat the infection.
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