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  1. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Ok... Well that's not a bad thing, we like lots of eggs. Any idea on what the small black one is?
  2. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Now I feel like a big dummy! Half the birds aren't what I was told they were. So.... What are production reds?
  3. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Is there something I can look for in 5 week EE chicks? I have 4 of them and 1 black chick. Would be awesome if I knew if they were boys or girls.
  4. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Thanks. Those spots didn't come out untul a day or two ago, but because of what I learned from you guys earlier I thought that might be the case. Thank you...I'm learning a lot :)
  5. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    I noticed yesterday that two of the black birds have small brick colored spots on each side of their shoulders... Would this indicate that they are roos too? Their combs are black, but the more I stared at them they seemed a bit big. They look exactly alike, with spots in the same place.
  6. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    That's terribly disappointing, I was really excited about having some barred rocks :(. Thanks for all your help.
  7. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Ok...what are the grey/black/whitish birds... ?... We thought those were barred rocks. I'm pretty sure that's what they told me. Are they something else?
  8. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Thank you! That's such a shame...the grey, brown and red one is sooo pretty...I was really hoping it was a hen. So, with the astralorps, barred rock and black sex links am I also looking for red combs? Are there any other things I should look for with them to know if they are hens or tipsters?
  9. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Thanks. So, there is one greyish one with some reds and Brown's but no red comb... Is that a boy or a girl? We were wanting astrolorps, Easter eggers/ameracuna, barred rock and black sex links. These are much different at this age than our comets, which all have big combs and waddles even though...
  10. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    I got them from a free range farm. They hatched some and some were hatched by the mom. I also have 10 3-4 week old chicks that we are going to end up selling because three are sullied, which I didn't want and there aren't enough of the others to have a full flock. We ended up with more than we...
  11. bethstarcher

    Help with breed and gender.

    Hi! I have some chicks 8-10 weeks old and am trying to figure out gender and breed. I'm not for sure if I'm rigjt, so I thought I'd ask some other, more knowledgeable chicken people. We have 6 comets and 6 isa Brown's right, these newbies are something very new for us. Thanks! We have...
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