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  1. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks BGMatt! I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's a pullet.. whatever it is it's a great lap chicken! I'll probably end up keeping it even if it is a cockerel because it's such a sweetheart
  2. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello everyone! Could you please give me your opinion on a few of my 8 week old buff laced polish chicks? I have a good feeling about two of them but the third is throwing me off.. These are the two I'm pretty sure about - I think the one on the left is a pullet and the right a cockerel...
  3. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's funny/strange is 2/5 polish chicks have visible v-combs and the other three do not .. they are hidden under their fluff on their head .. They are all the same ages as well...
  4. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've got a buff laced polish chick who is about 5-6 weeks old and has some red in his/her little v-comb already! He has a much more "mo-howak" looking hair-do compared to some of the other chicks with the more full/fountain looking hair-dos At what age can I assume redness in the comb to be...
  5. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They are growing to be some of my prettiest pullets/cockerels ... I wish I could sex them 100% the anticipation is driving me nuts! lol
  6. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My little Buff Laced Polish chicks are such little spit-fires! This is my first batch of polish chicks and they are quickly becoming one of my favorite breeds :)
  7. blondie34

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm new to raising polish chicks and I got a few buff laced polish this spring... Can anyone give me some advice for sexing my chicks? They are now 5 weeks old and am mostly feathered out ... I have an idea of who is what but would love to hear any tricks and tips from anyone who regularly...
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