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  1. d.k

    YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

    *Ah-- maybe just buy a 5O# bag of rabbit chow then & you'll solve the problem-- or, have all the rabbit stew you could possibly eat! My fav deterent is cayenne pepper, laid down all around the ground. Maybe that'd work for ya. I buy a couple of those big spice types at Costco & lay it on pretty...
  2. d.k

    YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

    Ya know, I was just thinking-- HOW BAD has the winter been in your area that this bunny is reduced to eating auto parts anyhow?? Also, COULD he be a domestic that somebody turned out?? Wild buns don't usually get this desperate and don't hang around long when there's a dog around either.
  3. d.k

    YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

    * Ah -Too True, but where's the fun in that?? Besides- my truck is 2O yrs old; still don't fancy it smellin' like cooking bobcat pee when it gets warmed up, ya know?? oh-- and maybe the guy from birdnutz area moved to Jersey?
  4. d.k

    YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

    *Yeah, so-- Give em Something Else to nibble, maybe?? Like, uh, ummm, well maybe, uh-- how about. . . Gee!! There's gotta be SOMETHING non-foody!!
  5. d.k

    YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

    *2 shorties: Our house bun once ate thro HALF of all the stereo eq. cords-- breaking the circuit. We figured out the 'noise' in the wiring was bugging his ears even when the stuff was off!!! AND DH said we were havin' rabbit stew for dinner (NOT!). DH is a auto techie-- once at the shop he goes...
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