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  1. donrae

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I butcher using a cone and a sharp knife. As a healthcare professional, I've unfortunately been bedside with folks(humans) who were literally bleeding to death, and it was a pretty peaceful way to go. They'd be talking and get drowsy and lightheaded, then pass out and it was all over. I can't...
  2. donrae

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I agree butchering in sight of the flock doesn't effect them. I just did three cockerels right in front of the breeding/grow out pens. After the little flutter of me catching them (my birds aren't tame to handle in the first place so I catch them with a net), no one batted an eye. Since I'd not...
  3. donrae

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Amen to this! My hens are simply part of a flock, for the most part. Not so much individuals to me. My roosters are selected on purpose and cherished as much as a good broody hen. Last time I culled a long term rooster, I had Honey cull two more birds the same day. I wasn't doing the...
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