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  1. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    Yesterday was hatch day so this is a final update on how it went. I've also got more pics and details on my blog: Only 1 of the shipped eggs made it to lock down and it didn't start well for this one. She started pipping in the...
  2. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    Well shoot just did another candling and one of the svart hona's stopped developing at some point since the last candling. Only one svart hona left from the hatching eggs and the two olive eggers from my own flock. Best case scenario is I'll have three chicks hatch. I will likely purchase a few...
  3. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    ok I did another candling tonight. bad news is the olive egger that previously showed signs of development now has a blood ring so I think that one is toast. There are now two with blood rings. There are still two left of the shipped eggs that still show signs of development though I only was...
  4. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    Actually the air sack on both of those eggs is on the top so you can't see it in this photo. I don't dare turn them upside down for fear of the air sack getting stuck in the wrong position. I'll mark the air sacks on them in my next candling tonight or tomorrow night. Not sure why the bottom of...
  5. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    Here are a couple of the eggs that are clearly developing (day 6). we could see some movement in them too.
  6. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    How do you only crowd them like that during incubation and not hatching? What do you do during hatching to make them not so crowded? Are you assuming there will be some that won't develop and be removed before they hatch? I had planned to increase the humidity at day 18 as normal and stop...
  7. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    I'm on day 6 and they aren't looking too great. So far only 3 of the 12 appear to be developing at all. If not for the detached air sacks I would have left them in the Brinsea but I do believe it's important to keep the air sack at the fat end of the egg and I don't think that would have...
  8. gapey

    Help! All of my eggs look like they have detached air cells

    I wish there was a report back telling how it went. I'm in a similar situation. shipped eggs and nearly all had a detached air sack. I had them separated into two brooders, my Brinsea and a borrowed Hovabator. After some reading I decided to put them all in the hovabator to give them a more...
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