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  1. junior67

    AmeraucanaHank's 3rd Adopt an egg hatch-a-long!

    I have some from my blue frizzle project Cochin pullets, roos are blue Cochin or splash project Cochin. 2 from my EE that lays beautiful teal eggs. Then shipped are dark brahma, lavender Brahma, lavender Orpington, mauve Orpington, blue/buff Orpington, BYM, think another but maybe not...
  2. junior67

    AmeraucanaHank's 3rd Adopt an egg hatch-a-long!

    Woohoo. I find around day 7 babies start hiding more..... I didn't realize we were almost exactly the same day/time set!!!! Mine were around 830 last Sat that I set them!
  3. junior67

    AmeraucanaHank's 3rd Adopt an egg hatch-a-long!

    Any available? I voted for 4 but see that is taken
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