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  1. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Think here I saw -10 before wind chill and -43 with.
  2. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Mine are running around in their run without a care in the world right now. Lol. I just went out to give them some scratch before they head in for the night. I have one that has been a brat lately and doesn't go up to roost but just heads to a nest box to sleep so will need to head out and...
  3. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I am going to hatch this year instead of ordering chicks. Only kind the breeder doesn't have that I would like more of is crested cream legbars. But I can't fit many more so will stick to colors/breeds I don't have yet.
  4. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Thought last year Ventura did it a bit different and just posted the morning the chicks came in so they didn't have huge lines by posting ahead of time? I got some there last year. I watched their FB page the week they had chicks I wanted and went in. A couple breeds I wanted that were on the...
  5. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Hmm I am not sure about that. I haven't read that. Mine are in their enclosed run unless I am out with them. I have 2 blue chickens. My roo is dark but none are black.
  6. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Thanks. She was my 19 yr olds favorite so she really wants another one. Hoping we can get another one and it is just as sweet since when you look them up it says they can be very flighty and ours wasn't at all even though she was young the others were starting to get shy but she would still...
  7. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    you have a bunch of breeds too! That is great. The Salmon Faverolles are so funny! My girl is just full of personality and most that have them say theirs are as well. I am so glad I got her and was so close to getting another one but I wanted to add a few more different breeds and couldn't...
  8. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    right now I have 2 Blue Cochins (roo and pullet. Hoping to hatch their eggs in hopes of getting at least 1 splash pullet), a buff cochin, a silver laced cochin, an easter egger, a Salmon Faverolles, and 2 light brahmas. I ordered buff Brahma (ordered them last year but they didn't get them...
  9. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Hi! I am in East Bridgewater so not far at all. Oh are these your first? I had them growing up but got my first ones since I was young last year the beginning of April. :)
  10. junior67

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Just found this thread! I am in SE Mass! I have 7 pullets (will be a year in April) and one surprise Roo (ok cockerel really). I just placed an order for 8 more chicks, but if all are pullets as they should be and live then I will be re-homing some most likely. I am also hoping to get...
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