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  1. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    I'm in upstate NY also. Winter hasn't really set it at all. Some large producers in the area were boiling in January, and haven't stopped. Hopefully we'll get a good couple weeks in before the sap turns.
  2. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Anyone start yet? Put out 450 taps yesterday. Next week should be fantastic sap weather.
  3. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    It definitely is good stuff. Our season ended this past weekend. Too many warm days.
  4. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    We had 5 day and nights above freezing. Still getting clear-ish sap, but I can smell a faint yeasty oder. Just about over.
  5. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    I agree. Around my parts, you're going to find soft and hard maples make up 99% of the sugar bush. Silver maples and Norway maples you'll find in someone's yard.
  6. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Yes, all maples are trappable. However, hard maples are what you want, as the sugar content is higher. It takes about 40g of sap to make one gal of syrup. Soft maples are around 55/1.
  7. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Ran well past several days. 1500 gal of sap. 33 gal of syrup. No cold nights till Saturday. This might be the end. We'll see if the sap is clear or cloudy this weekend.
  8. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Mother nature has not been helpful this week. Lots of lines down. Almost every line that was down was chewed through.. :barnie. Today and tomorrow are well below freezing, with Saturday morning in the single digits. Highs Saturday 45°. Sunday 55° and rain. Most of next week should be...
  9. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Tomorrow things should start flowing. 40° for the high temp, but our north facing sugarbush is going to take till mid day to thaw out enough to flow. Should be in full swing this weekend.
  10. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Sap running yesterday and today, but cold and snow coming in on Thursday. Next warm-up is supposed to be middle of next week. Had high winds late last week and through the weekend. Checked the lines yesterday and found several knocked down from falling limbs. Also had a several chewed lines...
  11. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Started tapping today. What a damn mess. Squirrel's/critters did some serious chewing since last season. Used over 500' of tubing to fix all the damage. Furry little destructive critters chewed through fittings as well as tubbing. Got around 200 taps in today. Shouldn't have a problem getting...
  12. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Then start getting stuff ready.
  13. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    It's getting close to tapping time. Started to get things organized. Very little frost or snow so far this year. Although next week the temps are supposed to plummet. No major snow storms in my area forecasted for the next week or so. Probably go check the main lines and laterals in the...
  14. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Haven't even thought about anything syrup except on my waffles. Lol
  15. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    I think he went through our states maple association. Sent in a syrup sample to be tested. Most lead in syrup came from the old buckets and tin pans. The SS pans and solder reduced the amount considerably. We drain our flu pan after it cools. One so the sap doesn't absorb any lead, and too...
  16. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    I'll have to ask the previous owner. He had them tested a few yrs ago.
  17. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Were about done for the yr. Just have to boil down the sweet in the pans. I'll be pulling the taps this weekend.
  18. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    I'd test them first. Our flue pan is lead solder, but tested out very low for lead. Our syrup pan is new SS welded.
  19. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Those are Leader pans. Use water and white vinegar to remove the niter.
  20. mowin

    Tree sap gathering and syrup making

    Then its a drop flue pan. Should have one float box towards the rear of the pan. Most are on the right side of the pan.
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