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  1. nchls school

    Rescued Quail chick - severly malnourished

    Glad to read there's improvement. Has he started to crow yet? If not, you'll know he's really getting better when he does? Any thoughts as to what you'll do with him when his health returns? Quail do best in pairs...
  2. nchls school

    Rescued Quail chick - severly malnourished

    Some times, the kindest thing to do, is end the suffering.
  3. nchls school

    Rescued Quail chick - severly malnourished

    Vets are people and unless this vet is an avian vet he probably knows very little about birds; many vets don't.
  4. nchls school

    Rescued Quail chick - severly malnourished

    Try meal worms. Live are best but they can be bought in a freeze-dried form. Boiled egg is good, but be sure to hard boil-very hard boiled. All egg should be well cooked. Water soluble vitamins may help.
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