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  1. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    I am assuming you all had read my posts about the cochins I bought off craigslist and their feet? One is doing great. One is I think starting to get an infection and the third has an infection that looks like it's spreading up her leg. The good news the have all put on weight and comb and ear...
  2. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Just read it. I wrote some assemblymen last month and they said they were in support of back yard chickens. So lets hope they put their vote where it shows. Here is the place I got more info on who to email. I picked up my chicks...
  3. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Nice to meet you. I have chicks coming up on the chicken train too, I can't wait! I wish I could meet everyone but I have to work so Tori is catching me on the way back by Anchorage.
  4. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Quote: Hey! i got the bator stuff figured out. No loss at all I've just been curious why no one will talk with me on here of late Sorry, I am new here and I don't know anything about incubators but
  5. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Quote: Too funny! All hail the chicken whisperer. Glad you made it off the roof ok.
  6. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Had to make one more trip to hardware store. Geez, the gas alone is going to make this coop cost a fortune. I have the right side framed and the door cut out. Now I can't find where I put all the hinges and hardware. It's a beautiful day here and I had the girls out in the dog run area. I...
  7. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    I don't know what the temp is but it's gorgeous and not to bad here! I got up and started working on the coop, let the girls out in the back dog run to play while I worked on it. I don't think they enjoyed it much though. But made like 2 or 3 cuts and coop build came screetching to a halt...
  8. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    I am trying to refrain from looking at Craigslist anymore. Chicken math has already gotten the better of me.
  9. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Hi there! It's great to read all the great tips from other Alaskans I agree. That's a great looking tractor. I would think the tarp would keep the rain off them from above. Are there roosts in it? I don't know if meaties use roosts? But seems like if the ground was wet and flooded they...
  10. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    ugh, woke up to heavy snow this morning again. At least it's not blowing like yesterday. Supposed to turn sunny this afternoon though and high 40's!
  11. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Went to work on my chicken coop and couldn't find my plans anywhere. Come to find out I left them at Home Depot yesterday!! I called and they found it luckily and put it behind the counter for me to pick up tomorrow. I got a lot of work to do this weekend. I want to be done by Sunday night...
  12. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Is that a Tuesday? What time? I work at Providence till 4pm. Would love to work it out though to save me a trip. What is the chicken train?
  13. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Oh my, baby ducks are so cute! But I can resist!!
  14. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain : Quote: Cool! Were some of them hopefully for me?? Why yes, as a matter of fact! Your name is all over that hatching sheet! HURRAY! :weee We can't wait for the road trip.
  15. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain : Yes Deb, extremely lucky. If they ever want it back, I WILL have to find a refrigerator to build my own... BTW, I set 416 coturnix eggs, and 57 chicken eggs this morning... Cool! Were some of them hopefully for me?? Btw, if you see a blue cloud in the sky in...
  16. okieinalaska

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    Congrats on your quail babies, they are sure cute!
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