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  1. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    This is another reason I don't let my turkey hens sit on their own eggs. They will drive you crazy. I hatch all mine under my reliable broody bantam hens. Mine like to poop in the pool too, they are rude.
  2. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    I don't have guinea, Turkey's are obnoxious enough for me.
  3. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    Apparently you are a better mate to her. Most hens go broody but not everyone is a good mom. You won't know until you try. It does seem to help if they can be kept separated for the first few weeks, but if you only have one hen it should be okay. I personally prefer to have my bantam hens hatch...
  4. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    My turkeys have their own shed and run. Most roost inside in 2x4's with the 4 up. A few roost outside on some log roosts we have out there. I have had turkeys kill chickens, and I wouldn't house them together. Turkeys are usually very rowdy their first year but settle down more after the first...
  5. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    My turkeys get excited when one is butchered and will try to attack it, my husband will first shoot them in the head. Mine do get freaked out over piles of feathers. Turkeys are very observant. If they aren't used to being confined or they just want out they will pace for a very long time.
  6. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    Good luck, hopefully it grounds her. I'm not a fan of turkeys running amok. My older ones behave but those younger ones can drive me bananas with their shenanigans. I'm always glad when they grow up. I would also worry about the turkeys falling out of the tree on a windy night if the branch...
  7. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    Hmmm, now I got to try to speak turkey. Most hens will make a quick meep noise, repeated more when they are excited, but when they want to fight they take a more upright stance and run together a trilling sound often said with their necks slightly extended. I don't know if that makes sense, but...
  8. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    I haven't had any troubles with toms. Though I don't over bond with mine or handle them a lot. I'm their mom, and they will follow me anywhere, but they know I'm not a turkey. I do currently have a hen who has always been pushy like yours, who decided this fall she doesn't like me and makes...
  9. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    Turkeys are emotional birds and they usually don't hold back and express what they are feeling. When under a year of age they can be a bit pushy and obnoxious, most will grow out of it. Chest bumping in turkeys is usually aggressive, so that could be a problem with your daughter. It will help...
  10. oldhenlikesdogs

    Help, I've created a monster turkey!

    It would be a better idea to build them a pen or run to stay in. You can let them out to range during the day. When turkeys can't get to where they want to be they walk back and forth obsessively. I've had hens rub their snoods off fence walking. Tethering would probably not work out and your...
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