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  1. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I suppose I will keep him then. ;) and pick one from the other two, or maybe try and find a different my stinking butter birds
  2. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I don't have any real interest in breeding them to sell. I just want a few.Brown eggs and some pretty company in the back yard. It's a bummer the breeder I got them from clearly didn't have great stock. Or gave me her left overs or whatever. Hey are sweet and a lot of fun. I suppose that's what...
  3. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    The only ones I have that are darker in color have single combs. :-/ I have always really liked the lighter blues. I guess I should pick based on temperament.
  4. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Hello! I am trying to decide which two roos to keep for my flock of BLRW. Not looking for anything spectacular and certain;y dont plan to show. I would just like your opinions on which two to keep! Thanks in advance These two pics are of Lance. The "darkest" but smallest of the roos...
  5. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    thank you! I didn't realize I could use a black lace. When my husband gets home I will try to get some pictures while they are all outside. I know I need to read the thread, and certainly will. I just thought I could get a handle on things earlier if I asked. It was not my intention to upset and...
  6. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    hello! Thank you for your pleasant response! I didn't mean to upset anyone earlier with my initial post. I agree with you, most people I have encountered on this site are beyond nice. I assumed people who didn't want to bother answering me would ignore it. Boy was I wrong! :-/ I'm in the...
  7. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Its ok! I will do it during nap time over the next few days. I've made it to page 8. :) I look forward to reading the thread, I put a lot of time in to my other birds. These guys are turning out to be quite a bit of fun. With the new baby and all I admit I haven't had the time to do as much...
  8. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Hello! New to the blrw, I acquired 10 blrw chicks from a local breeder and 2 blue lace, gold lace cross chicks roughly the same age. They are between 10 and 12 weeks old now, and I'm pretty sure I can discern genders. Both the crosses are male. Then I have a splash male and an incredibly light...
  9. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    It may just be Yeh pic but it chick 1 has no butt Feathers...possible roo, or just camera angle? ;)
  10. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I couldn't sex my blrw until they were around 8-10 weeks, and I think I've just now got it nailed down. My males developed much brighter, more red combs, and exaggerated wattles. I tries to use tail length earlier was about 75% females having longer fuller tail feathers, males having...
  11. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Thanks so much for the help! This is my first time with the breed, and it has been going well so far! They are sweet very well mannered birds! Will post mire pictures as they age. Especially if I'm still having s hard time with gender! :)
  12. silkiemomma42

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    My sweet blue lace reds are around 6 weeks old. I have 10 blue lace red, and 2 that are blue lace gold lace cross. One of the crosses has such as unusual comb. I will post pictures to see what you think. At this age what are my odds of discerning gender? What are some easy tells? I've been...
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