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  1. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Not too many pictures of M&M being models anymore since they're no longer living in the barn. They are both out living with the rest of the flock now.
  2. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    I'm hesitant to buy chicks just because our mail delivery out where I live isn't the best, or I would totally get on that waiting list!
  3. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    I would *love* to have a couple Spitzhaubens!
  4. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Memnoch & Mercury's first offspring! The little Cheeto puff hasn't gotten the hang of being a ham for the camera yet, so we'll see if he follows in his parents' footprints!
  5. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you very much. :)
  6. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    He's turning into a tiny tyrant! I have to separate him and the Polish in their own coop/pen because he is not really interested in having a flock of anyone but them. He got lucky when he landed with me because I don't think anyone else would have put up with him!
  7. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    They have big personalities for such tiny birds! These two actually got their personalities from their moms (Polish), which I'm thankful for because their dad is a royal poop some days! :lol:
  8. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    As I've been obsessed with pirates since childhood & have never had a parrot, I've taught my chickens to ride around on my shoulders.
  9. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you very much! :)
  10. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you! Here's tonight's pics:
  11. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you very much!
  12. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you. I'm glad other people like looking at them as much as I do. :) I'm hoping I can hatch some more this spring, after I set my accidental peafowl up in a flight pen. Birds sure do keep you busy!
  13. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    A few more. These are all taken with my iPhone and the Hipstamatic app.
  14. uzisuzuki

    Memnoch & Mercury - Rustic Models

    Thank you very much! I really appreciate that. :)
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