About to get 30 how long until they can leave the brooder?

They should have a heat lamp until they are fully feathered (around a month or just over a month). However, they will need a lot of space, even if they aren't fully feathered yet, so you could move them to the coop with a heat light.

Best of luck!
I am going to keep them in our coop until full grown, but how long in brooder?

The recommendation is to start keets at 95°F (measured at the bedding level) for the first week and to reduce the temperature by 5°F each week until the keets are acclimated to the ambient temperature. In the spring they obviously need the heat for a longer period of time than they do in the heat of summer. While it won't take long to get them acclimated to the daytime temperatures of summer, they will still need heat at night for a longer time.
Thank you! I have a huge coop for them to grow up in, and once they're grown I'm going to let them free range and raise their own chicks! (Note I am talking about Guinea Fowl)

I have 16 Guinea Keets that are right about a week old today. I usually move mine into coop at about this age with brooder and they can leave the it at a month old and coop at a month and a half. The sooner you move the brooder into coop, the better.
Like I said in planning on letting them raise their own young when they're older, but, NEW PLAN!! Just to make sure this flick doesn't slowly die out in going to incubate some of their clutch each Year

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