Incubator question


May 28, 2015
I am thinking to prepare myself for anything.anyhow,with that said, my turkeys are more noticeable to sex. 8 bourbon red and 3 bronze hens, that gives total 11 hens. If I was to decide to incubate their eggs how many eggs are each capable of laying? If so, what size incubator or incubators would I need. Any recommendations on incubator with most reliable successful hatches?
Finally,how many a year would they hatch on their own without use of incubators?
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As far as eggs per hen give a rough estimate of about 80 per hen a year. They won't lay while they are broody.

If conditions are right they could set up to 3 clutches a year.

Incubators size will depend on what you want to do with the babies. For replacement of your birds a smaller one would suffice ( brinsea 20.or 1588 genesis)

I have both of those and can get decent results. But with 11 hens that's a lot of eggs. I would like to get a cabinet incubator ( sportsman or a dickeys). You can always put less in a bigger bator but you can't add to a smaller one.

Keep nest boxes in pen all the time. I use dog houses and they lay in those. When the hens start to lay keep them in the pen cause if they are ranging they will lay everywhere but the pen I lost a lot of hens to predators when they set on a non secured nest.

I had 17 hens at the start of spring I am down to 9 after predator losses and natural mortality. I am going to thin that down some more this fall. I plan on keepping three varities for next year. I tom and 3 hens of each (chocolates. Palms and bourbon red).

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