Easter Egger Rooster

I posted his picture today on my Facebook page. Immediately one of my friends who raises chickens commented that he is a hen. I have heard him crow before, but I know hens can also crow. Is there anything I can look for over the next few weeks to help me indicate he definitely is a cockerel? About age do spurs appear? He is bigger then all my hens. His crown is thick and rows of bumps. I got him May 13th.
Spurs aren't a very good indicator. All signs thus far say cockerel so there's nothing more to look for. I'd give him to your friend and let them play the waiting game on the eggs that aren't gonna come
I have 4 EEs that were hatched somewhere around May 15th. Yours looks like my cockerels and nothing like my pullets.


Those are the cockerels. Here are the pullets:

Sorry to disparage your friend, but they don't know what they're talking about. First, any young bird that crows is a cockerel. Second, a hen will never be colored like this. Hens have smoother, drab coloring, designed to camouflage them when setting on a nest. Roosters have this flashy coloring, designed to draw the eye and scream "look at me! Here I am!" His overall build also says male, hens are rounded and feminine looking, this guy is in the lanky/leggy stage and looks like a teenage boy who hasn't filled out yet. He's starting to get hackle feathers on his neck that are a male characteristic. You didn't say how old he is, but I'm guessing he's young enough a hen would not have that much comb, or that much red to the comb yet.
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