Building a colored egg laying mixed flock

Brat Flock

Jul 16, 2015
Hello All! I am building a hobby flock of fancy egg layers. Need opinions on a breed I may be missing that would be a good fit. I have: 2 Olive Eggers, 2 Easter Eggers, 4 Ameraucans, 3 Marans, 2 Swedish Flower Hens, 2 Buff Bramahs, 1 Buff Rock, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Lavender Orp, 1 Welsummer, and a booted Bantam. I know sounds like a hot mess but they all do pretty well together. I do not have a white egg layer...
go figure lol. Any advice?
Sounds like an awesome flock! Do you have any pink egg layers (Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers that lay pink eggs)?
Pure breed Ameraucanas won't lay pink eggs.
My light brahma lays an egg that is sometimes pretty pinkish.

Looks like a pretty good basket, add a leghorn for white maybe?

Mixing breeds doesn't really matter as long as there's enough space and integration is carefully conducted.
Thanks! Yes a Leghorn may be what I am missing! I have 4 purebred Ameraucanas (from a breeder that shows 4-H) My EE lays a pretty mint green egg and the Swedish Flower hen lay a cream/pink egg.

I called about some Araucana pullets today... I asked if they were tuffed, tailed or rumpless... She said, "I'm not sure, I don't know the difference, but I have A LOT of them". LOL I think I saved myself a LONG drive for NOTHING :) It is quite a challenge!
It would be helpful if you put your general location in your profile. It helps folks to have an idea where you are when offering advice. If you're in a cold weather area, you could get rose combed leghorns. If you're in a warm weather area and frost bite to combs and wattles is not an issue, you could go with standard leghorns. I'm sure you know that it's easier to add several birds at a time instead of one at a time.

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