Making the most of it.

A new wrinkle in my brain. Didn't realize you guys got those that often. Hope you get it done before it hits.
Just in the Spring for a couple months - April/May. Better get out there or stuff definitely won't get done!
Thanks for the hugs and here's some for you :hugs :hugs . I've never been smart enough to slow down when I should so it's full steam ahead.
How are the cracka babies?

I saw one baby swimming the others look clear but Jack said he thought the same thing when he was hatching. So they are all still cooking away. Day 11 today.
I have a big cage thing I was gonna use. And just brood in my normal chicken brooder. That's the plan anyway!!
Well I hope your plan works like it's supposed to................mine usually don't

I'm gonna be so sad if I fail twice in a row.. I just might pack up the bator for a bit. Actually I got to hatch for one other person after the quail.

My first go around sucked terribly. I killed most of the babies. This go around went much better and I'm hoping my third is even better. Stick with it and you'll get it.
First go around was all my fault. Second go around killing the ducks was my fault......again. Third time......still to early for me to kill anything. I usually wait until the end

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