Learn about my 6 ducks

Which one of my ducks is your favorite?

  • Homer (indian runner w/ whiter head)

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Ollie (indian runner with darker brown head)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Igor (half-blind khaki campbell)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Annie (Khaki campbell with yellowish green bill)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilber (rouen that is was too fat to be a mallard)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chandler (plump pekin)

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 14, 2015
This is my first year raising ducks and we've somehow ended up with 6 of these crazy guys. I have wanted to own ducks for a year or two and now we finally do and now I don't think I can ever go without ducks in my yard. We started off with four ducklings, if you'd call them that anyway. We purchased them from rural king they were already a month old not young like they usually are at rural king. they were the last for and they were quite the unwanted runts haha. But we didn't care. We purchased them sometime in May and have had them ever since. They are two khaki Campbells one of which had an eye problem from the beginning when we purchased him and two indian runner ducks. Even though some may be ducks and some are drakes we never changed their names to fit their gender, we just stuck with the original names (most are male names) They are all about 5/6 months old and cute as ever.

Khaki Campbell's: Annie & Igor. *Both are believed to be males as of today. Igor was the campbell that was actually in the back when we got him. He had scratched his eye in the store and it had become infected but they had been treating it for a couple weeks. Along with Igor they had an indian runner up there as well to keep him company. When we got Igor he came with his medicine but he only needed it for a couple more days and we treated him and the infection never came back back but his eye stopped growing, somehow the medicine stunted the growth of his eye so now Igor is half blind but he is just as happy as ever. Annie was one if two ducks they had left in the bin, he's always been bigger than the other ducks and always been aggressive while the other ducks have not. As Annie got older he started to hold his wing in an odd position and still does sometimes but not always. What he does doesn't affect him in any way but it is just quite odd. Instead of tucking his blood line feathers in under the main part of his wing he keeps them hung out as seen in this picture


Odd isnt it? does anyone know why he does this? when Annie stretches out her wings they are perfectly normal but she just holds them weird.

Here's a few pictures of Igor:




Here are some pictures of Annie:





Next we have my two favorites the Indian Runners: Homer & Ollie(Oliver) Ollie was the second one that was left out of the ducks available at rural king, both him and homer looked almost identical as ducklings but have grown up to have different color patterns. Homer we believe was the runner that was in back along with Igor because he is much more accepting of holding and petting than ollie and Annie. Both of them are actually females but they have male names and their favorite thing to do is swim together. Homer has more white on his head with brown patches on the side and Ollie has almost a full brown head and neck. Homer is so sweet and lets you come up and pet him and will snuggle with you if you hold him.

Here are pictures of Homer:







And here are some pictures of Ollie:







And here is ollie and homer right next to eachother in the pool so you an see their color differences (homer is behind and ollie is in front)


That was the first batch of ducks we got and we had been raising them for a couple of months when we went back to rural king for supplies thats when we saw that rural king got in a shipment of the cutest tiniest ducks that were only a week old. We had never seen them so young because when we got the first four they were much older in the store. We fell in love with the small guys so we got two more a "mallard" and what we hoped to be a pekin (they were mixed in with runner ducklings) As they've grown we did end up getting the pekin we wanted but our "mallard" has been growing and growing and he won't stop haha he's huge... he is actually a rouen thank you to everyone on here that helped me figure that out. Since they were so small when we got them they had to be separated from the older first batch of ducks for about a month and a half, so they won't go or do ANYTHING without being a foot away from each other. it's quite cute actually. This second batch doesn't have any problems except for the pekin's slight

Pekin & Rouen: Chandler & Wilber Chandler is the pekin and we aren't sure of his sex yet but we are leaning towards female but wilber is a male rouen based of of his quack which is so raspy and quiet that the sound is barely there. They are both super plump and round. Even though they are about 2 months younger than the older ducks (3 months old) they are a tiny but bigger but a lot heavier as well. These guys didn't ever become accustomed to us and sadly we can't handle them or pet them much only when they were young.

Here are some pictures of Wilber:








He's quite heavy as you can see

Here are some pictures of Chandler:









And here are some pictures of the two together because they never leave eachothers side:












So these are all 6 of my wonderful ducks that I own with my Aunt. This thread is for anyone to post their pictures of their ducks, chickens, turkeys, anything you have. Remember if you would like to see more of them they have their own instagram @daily.duck


Also please take the poll on which of my ducks is your favorite :) Mine just may be homer shhh

Thank you! :)
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Cute pictures! Annie looks like she might have angel wing. I had a male Pekin I rescued once that held his wing just like that. He was a few years old, so it could not be reversed, so I just clipped the rogue feathers so he looked more streamlined. I am partial to your fawn and white runners, my favorite duck (don't tell) is my fawn and white drake Peeper.
Oh - I forgot to add - I have 6 ducks too!
Peeper - fawn and white runner, 6 months old,
GingerSnap - Khaki Campbell, 6 months old,
Rosa - Chocolate Runner - 1 year old
Julia - Blue Runner - 1 year old
Quinn - Silver Welsh Harlequin - 18 months old
Honey - Gold Welsh Harlequin - 18 months old

I love love love the pictures of your ducks. It was hard to choose the favorite but Homer got my vote. That pic of him and his big belly nailed it for me. I have never seen chubby runners before but yours are chubby. They all look so healthy and gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing your duck pictures and stories with us.

This is a pic of my pekin, Clyde.

The last pic is a few of my ducks I have15 ducks.

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