What is this Duck thinking

Nothing that I can come up with because seriously when I opened this post my mouth dropped. Why? Look at her sweet face. It is not just oh, a duck face but rather a sweetness in it that has to be permanent. I know I am preaching to the choir here but wanted to say it anyway. And Tevye is always very cute. Maybe she is telling him the giant pepto bismol hose is not edible. But rather than telling him she had to run over furiously to warn him hence the reason for her wings being out and her face pointing at it.
She actually didn't flap her wings... She was just doing a shoulder stretch in mid stride so she was actually moving slow. And she IS the sweetest duck in the flock (toward people anyway - she might have a couple head pecks stored up for some of the other ducks).
Here is a good "What are these ducks thinking...?" On the left is Tevye and on the right is Rhiannon. (They are a couple

*Stretch* Hey Honey, do you want to go to bed early tonight? *wink *wink
She actually didn't flap her wings... She was just doing a shoulder stretch in mid stride so she was actually moving slow.  And she IS the sweetest duck in the flock (toward people anyway - she might have a couple head pecks stored up for some of the other ducks).
My birds do that all the time and it's either preceded or followed by the birb throwing down a wing and then sticking their leg out to comb the wing or something. And then they do the other side wing and leg thing. Do your ducks do that? Why?

Anyway, back to Rhiannon. I can believe she is your sweetest. But so is Tevye. And I am sure the occasional peck toward another duck is warranted.
Here is a good "What are these ducks thinking...?" On the left is Tevye and on the right is Rhiannon. (They are a couple ;) )
*Stretch* Hey Honey, do you want to go to bed early tonight? *wink *wink
Look my dear how brave I am! I have killed the longest pink Anaconda in the world for you!! com'on give a kiss!
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