This was not what I had in mind...


5 Years
Jul 9, 2014
This week we harvested the concord grapes in our backyard, and I left most of the ones that were a pain to get to. Partly because there were already more than we needed, and partly because I like watching the little swallows and other little birds who show up to finish them off in the fall. However, when I said we'd leave them for the little birds, Miss Harriet was not who I had in mind:

And here's my little piggies, collecting what she drops:

They were all up on top a couple weeks ago, before we propped up the arbor with that stick there. Now is too high for the tubbies to get into :D The whole thing is made of PVC pipe, which was supposed to be replaced two years ago, so it was pretty saggy (and easy to jump into) before.

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