What illnesses should I read up on


Sep 2, 2015
We are new chicken owners, yay!, and are loving are birds so far. We have 5 hens and a rooster, all special black breed from Sunnyside Hatchery in Wisconsin, 11 weeks old. My question is this. What illnesses should we read up on and be familiar with? We will be free ranging our birds. We have 3 acres literally in the middle of no where for them to roam. Lots of grass and bugs, frogs, mice, voles, you name it. I want to make sure that we are prepared for anything our flock brings :) Thanks!
So glad you are enjoying your birds.
I would recommend that you really get to know your girls , who's bossy, shy, low end of the totem pole etc. so when one does become sick, you'll notice right away.
Crop issues are common, egg bound chickens can be a problem, pecking injuries etc.
Bu t I would not get too hung up on them getting sick, or reading about it too much......you'll drive yourself crazy, plus this website has wonderful ideas, advice and support for when or if it happens.
A healthy diet, clean coop and water are your best defenses, as for free ranging you cannot control what they will find to eat...
But if you feel the need, look up
Emergencies/ diseases/ injuries and cures on this website
Don't say I didn't warn you......::barnie
Welcome to BYC. If you go up to the Learning Center at the top of the page click on Maintaining A Healthy Flock. There you will find lots of things to look out for, and good tips on raising healthy chickens. Make sure that you keep your chickens locked up securely in a predator proof coop during the night. I also think that a good book on raising chickens can be helpful. Read as many new posts on here as you can, and you will probably learn what to do and what not to do. Take some advice with a grain of salt sometimes.
Thanks guys. I was thinking that there just seems to be so much out there, and I don't want to over worry but rather just know what would be cause for concern. We all spend time with them every day and they very clearly show personalities so reading them shouldn't be difficult :) I will check out more of the forums. As for a book, any particular recommendations?

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