PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

It is amazing how you quickly go from how am I going to use all these eggs to wow I wish they would lay more.

Really, I don't have that problem, I think once I had plenty of eggs in stock, but we eat a lot! My 2 daughters, 8 yo and 4 yo, love omelets or eggy cheesy as they call it. These 2 can eat 3 in a sitting and 2- 3 times a day if we let them.
So sure I would share them and always wished I had more to share but never seemed like I have enough to share to everyone I really want to share with. Even the coworkers, I really would love to get them some regularly, but how would I do that?
I suppose I would need to invest $5k into start up with proper enclosure (s) and then ensure I have plenty of feed to start with and buy chicks, pallets and started hens so all are at different stages of development, then they can naturally reproduce from there... ? Thinking out loud!
Really, I don't have that problem, I think once I had plenty of eggs in stock, but we eat a lot! My 2 daughters, 8 yo and 4 yo, love omelets or eggy cheesy as they call it. These 2 can eat 3 in a sitting and 2- 3 times a day if we let them.
So sure I would share them and always wished I had more to share but never seemed like I have enough to share to everyone I really want to share with. Even the coworkers, I really would love to get them some regularly, but how would I do that?
I suppose I would need to invest $5k into start up with proper enclosure (s) and then ensure I have plenty of feed to start with and buy chicks, pallets and started hens so all are at different stages of development, then they can naturally reproduce from there... ? Thinking out loud!

Sounds like a serious case of chicken math in the making, lol!
Thank you, yes I love math, my strongest subject through the school! I love math
Okay, this happened today in Billings, Mt. Ken and I stopped at KFC (we don't have one any closer than the 100 mile drive up there so it's a treat for me!) to get a bite to eat. As usual he got his white meat 3 piece meal and I got two dark meat 3 piece meals. When we go there, I always buy one extra meal to bring home and put in the fridge as a treat for me the next day. Anyway, we pulled out with the extra meal in the back seat and a couple of blocks down was a panhandler. His big sign just cracked me up....

"Need help - my career as a pole dancer is over." Now, this guy had to be 200 years old! Long, scruffy beard, skinny as a rail, several layers of clothing so ripped that you could tell each layer all the way down, and really unkempt. As we got right up to him, we hit the red light. Ken stopped and I was suddenly eye to eye with this man. This guy just looked at me and gave the biggest wink, then a huge, almost toothless grin! I couldn't help it! I jumped out of the car with the extra meal, still hot, and gave it to him. He had the most twinkling gray eyes I think I've ever seen. He put his two fingers to his brow like he was tipping his cap, and said, "Bless you, ma'am. Uh, do you have a napkin?" I was still giggling all the way home!
Good of you to treat the former pole dancer to a hot meal Blooie. And he had nice manners too. Very nice!
That's awesome. I have brought eggs to a coworker who is interested in starting up her own little egg factory, personal sized of course, but once I brought in that dozen, everyone's faces just lit up like kids in a candy store and when they found out I was GIVING them away, boy hands were out, and wallets were open and lists were ready to be made! Side Note:(I'm a nurse in an acute Psych Crisis Ward in a prison) I am glad that there are people out there that want them, but at the same time, I feel awkward charging anyone, so I just say "Donations" as the money will just go back into the cost of food! When I heard how much people are charging for them at Farmer's Markets here, $8 a dozen, for farm fresh eggs, my jaw dropped, and although the thought of extra cash during the holidays is there, the idea of the appreciation people have for the eggs is far greater a blessing if you ask me.
I wish I had enough to pass around to everyone and feed my family too, but we don't right now, girls just started laying again after the molt and sniffles. The coworker that I gave the dozen to claims she noticed a big difference in those eggs compared to the store eggs she has. She says she is cherishing them and using them in special recipes, they are not going to be wasted on just cake, LOL.
Today, per request of another coworker, I brought in another dozen for her, she offered me $4 donation for them, she was so tickled to see the green egg, the darker brown eggs and the 2 little silkie eggs in the carton. She didn't seem to mind at all that the 2 small ones were there, she was excited to have a scrambled egg dinner tonight! But of course that brought others into the realm of "I'll take some!" "Me too!" "How much?" etc. I thought "Wow, you would have thought I was selling tamales!" LOL I tell them that I feed the girls the Non-GMO feeds, let them free range the property all day and give them lots of goodies from the kitchen as well. Just this week I bought Fage greek yogurt, it said it has 23g protein! I thought this is nice for their feathering since they are coming out of molt now, and I put some wild blueberries and scratch with it as well! Those chickens, eat better than we do!

I really don't have the capacity to meet demand, I had to continually explain to them that laying numbers/totals daily are inconsistent and I may not always be able to accommodate. Perhaps when the spring comes, and the girls warm up a bit more, and they hatch some babies out as well for me, that will add potential future layers as well. I also love giving eggs to my closest friends and to my grandmother. Come Jan, my Mother-in Law will be coming in from San Antonio, and I would love to send her home with 5 doz if I could, but I know I will not have that much available to send her with.

How do you keep up with it?
What a wonderful story Faerie! Tough job you have! It's amazing how tickled folks get over a gift of eggs. It's kinda like giving someone a home cooked meal. I never dreamed folks would enjoy my eggs so much. Feels good huh?
Okay, this happened today in Billings, Mt. Ken and I stopped at KFC (we don't have one any closer than the 100 mile drive up there so it's a treat for me!) to get a bite to eat. As usual he got his white meat 3 piece meal and I got two dark meat 3 piece meals. When we go there, I always buy one extra meal to bring home and put in the fridge as a treat for me the next day. Anyway, we pulled out with the extra meal in the back seat and a couple of blocks down was a panhandler. His big sign just cracked me up....

"Need help - my career as a pole dancer is over." Now, this guy had to be 200 years old! Long, scruffy beard, skinny as a rail, several layers of clothing so ripped that you could tell each layer all the way down, and really unkempt. As we got right up to him, we hit the red light. Ken stopped and I was suddenly eye to eye with this man. This guy just looked at me and gave the biggest wink, then a huge, almost toothless grin! I couldn't help it! I jumped out of the car with the extra meal, still hot, and gave it to him. He had the most twinkling gray eyes I think I've ever seen. He put his two fingers to his brow like he was tipping his cap, and said, "Bless you, ma'am. Uh, do you have a napkin?" I was still giggling all the way home!

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