Sick chicken!


Sep 3, 2015
I'm new to raising chickens and this is my first time having a serious problem. I have 8 sex linked chickens that are 2 years old. My favorite hen, Rosie, has had a droopy wing for about the past 2 weeks. I never thought it could be broken because she was still flying up to the roost every night. I have also noticed for the past 3 days or so her butt pulsates constantly. Today when I was in the coop I noticed her not on the roost by the rest of the hens. I found this very unusual and examined her. She seemed OK except that I could hear her breathing deeply. She also has not been eating or drinking. I want to separate her from the flock but am going on vacation for the next 3 days. Any advice?

I hope your girl will be ok, good luck to you & her both.
So sorry about your dilemma. Sounds like she is quite ill, chickens try to hide their problems from the flock. Once the others notice they will attack her.

IMO you have no choice but to remove her from the flock to evaluate and care for her. If you aren't able to stay with her, find a sitter to watch over and care for her in your absence.

Please do post details under emergencies to try and get help with a diagnosis.
First off, welcome to the BYC flock!


We are glad you joined us, though I wish it were under better circumstances!

Not sure if you have had a chance to post here or not:, but please do so if you have not done so already. It definitely sounds as though you have a very sick hen. Definitely separate her and either stay home or find someone to chicken-sit for you. Do you have any vets in the area that are willing to treat chickens? Can you get her to eat or drink anything? Sugar water? Scrambled eggs? Dried mealworms? Etc? Can you pick her up some vitamins from the feed store in the meantime?

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