Gender Help Please :-)


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2015

I am looking for some gender help with this Black Australorp. We have had it for 13 weeks. It was supposed to be only a few days old when we got it. It was from a sexed batch and is supposed to be a pullet. The comb has us concerned. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have looked at other pictures and tried to compare and looked at the feathers, but this is our first round of chickens and can't determine the gender.
Crowing is different with each bird and varies greatly from breed to breed and even within the breed. It is hard to say. My Leghorns were crowing at 11 weeks this year and my Delawares are 18 weeks and I finally heard one crow today. Pointy feathers vs round are a dead give away when determining gender. You got a boy. Look at his hackle feathers tips and then your hens hackle feather tips. Do the same with the tail feathers.


They start crowing any time from 2 weeks to a year
. Most common age range is 4-5 months, though.
We chose to have 1 BA because of egg production we read about, but guess there won't be any eggs :)

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