Exploded Egg Mess


8 Years
May 13, 2015
Unity, Maine
Helped my neighbors save some Saxony eggs after a bad egg exploded in the nest and momma duck then abandoned the nest. They then sat in the nest for the last 30ish hours without momma. Out of 14 eggs, there's 5 now in my bator. 3 definites, 1 maybe and 1 long shot. One of the definites (good embryonic movement) has exploded yolk all over it and the other four are pretty "icky" too.
So, how do I clean these eggs that are already in a sensitive state. Approximately 10-12 day development. Bacteria invades quickly.... Any ideas?
Destroying them is not an option.
Sand paper?
Wipe them the best you can get as much of that stuff off as you can. Don't use water

How are you bating them. Are you misting them
"Light" ya know like a fingernail file.. buffer side. I should of said that. . . done on the stink, poo area of the egg.., Bacteria needs more than a wipe with a dry paper towel. I have not had to do this but if i did, that is what i would use.. some of the chicken's egg's have a chunk of poo every now & then. I soak those. Yuck..
But exploding stinky egg's that's a challenge. .

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