Egg question!

Sunflour yeah i read that if you dont use salt or sugar the yolks get thick and gel like (shudders) gross. And sunnyacresnest i prefer to let them do what God intended if they atop laying they stop i suppose. But that be next year so we will see what happens. Thanks for the info.
I did use salt, but minimal amount. And totally agree with raising my special gals without intervention with nature's intent.
Quote: It's about length of day/night, not temperature or snow, for winter laying.
First year birds will often lay thru their first winter but after that not so much.
Whether or not to use winter lighting depends your long term goals in chicken keeping.
Yeah and i talked to a friend that has chickens she says they slow down but dont stop hers are three years old. She lives two hours south of us so not much difference in climite they have alot more humidity then we do.

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