Fermented Feed


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 15, 2012
We've been giving our hens fermented grain for a couple of months now and I have some questions. We have 40 hens we've been giving them approximately 2 gallons of wet feed in the mornings and and a big old scoop of dry grain at night. We are only getting about a dozen eggs a day. Any thoughts on why egg production is so low? Also thoughts on adding lentils to the wet feed - would this amp up protein as some of our girls are going into molt now.
What grain(s) are you feeding? Just grains or a complete feed? Feeding an unbalanced blend of grains, even if fermented, can cause low egg production. There is more to a good diet than protein levels.
They get lay mash - I believe it's 16% protein (I can't remember off the top of my head).

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