Add new hens to new flock now for the update after adding the two hens. Overall it seems to have went well. I eneded up giving the existing girlls some treats just before i went to get the new birds to ensure they were fed and in a good mood. They were all roosting when I got back to add the new hens. I let the new birds in and they all came down to say hello. The Ameraucana seemed to be the some aggressive, doing to pecking and chasing, but didn't last very long. At the end of it all they ended up all roosting together. Hopefully they will all LAY happily ever after!!!

Another update on this. You all were right! No issues with the new addition to the flock at all. They all seem to be getting along well and layer the first egg with a week of being added to the new coop! Was a great surprise after working hard on the new run all day!

Hi Jay!
So funny that "chicken math" has already struck!
I think that at some point, a lot of us were going to have only four! Ditto Dat what old hen and Sourland said. I'll add a suggestion or 2. To reduce stress and conflict, I'd pen up or lock out your 4 from the coop/run for a few hours or so to let the new additions get their bearings, find the food/water, have a look around before meeting the current residents. I'd have extra feeders and waters to choose from for a bit. When you integrate, I find it helpful to spread tasty treats (meal worms, freeze dried is fine, rolled oats, alfalfa leaves, thawed frozen colorful veggies) to take their minds off the who's who and focus on their tummies. Best of luck to you! We really like pictures...
I love the idea of letting newbies have a private tour first! Seems like that and additional stuff for awhile would really help.

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