Faverolles @ 10 days old ... I need to be sure M or F?


In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2015
North Carolina 28310

This is "Henri"
My designated and deliberately selected Cockerel.

I'm thinking Henri is a girl :( This will make a dramatic adjustment to my flock of babies as I had intended to give away ALL other Roos. Or maybe I need to just get another Fav cockerel and add it ...

First I need to know for sure if Henri is M or F? I see a chance for a Cockerel in the dark feathering but it could be wishful thinking ...
I hope you get your cockerel! I had a male favorelle from MyPetChicken, but he was taken when our coop got raided by a possum (who was trapped and exterminated, btw). I was looking forward to having a male favorelle.
Those are dark feathers, my hens are all lighter colored
I was looking on feathersite and the males on their site are black feathered as they lose their fluff. While the females have a red brown to mahogany wing feathering. All have the light fuzzy yellow chicky down. I think the ones on that site are SOP or real close to it though.

I hope you get your cockerel! I had a male favorelle from MyPetChicken, but he was taken when our coop got raided by a possum (who was trapped and exterminated, btw). I was looking forward to having a male favorelle.
Me too! I'm determined, so I'm sure I'll have my Fav Roo. Now .. or later :( Even if I have to hatch him from an egg myself. Never say never! You know where to find me if I have to resort to setting my own hens on a nest of Fav eggs if you ever decide you still want a Roo lol
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It's a cockerel. Black leg feathers are coming through. Going by the wing I expect he will turn out to be one of those that stay multi colored as a juvenile, so don't be surprised if he's a mess color wise for a while.

Too bad you are so far away. I have an extra dozen or more extra males.
I'm thinking male, but you really need keesmom to chime in. She's the Faverolles lady.

thank you! I like the way you think :)

Given the darkness of the feathers, it looks like a male.
thank you :)

It's a cockerel. Black leg feathers are coming through. Going by the wing I expect he will turn out to be one of those that stay multi colored as a juvenile, so don't be surprised if he's a mess color wise for a while.

Too bad you are so far away. I have an extra dozen or more extra males.
Thank you so so much! You made my week! It's alright with me if he's a mess :) These are my training flock lol Not me training them .... them training me. Sad but true. haha. They'll never get to see any of their own progeny populate this planet. My intention is to make sure I have a good grasp of chicken management before I get ahold of any that might be truly valuable for more than just their ornamental value and eggs. :)

I see you're the acknowledged expert on Fav's though! I'll keep that excess of cockerels you have in mind. In future, I wouldn't mind a trip to MA to collect a cockerel or roo worth his feather weight in sterling :) It's just not in the cards right now. I can't afford to be the proud possessor of $$$$$'s worth of chickens when I don't have the habits of a good chicken manager yet.

When I have the skill set to manage a well bred flock I'll start working on building my 2nd flock. I'm lucky enough I have the space to manage 3 separate flocks. So that gives me options in my approach to getting there. :)
This is awesome. I'm relieved. Thank you too :)

It's a boy! I can go back being happy as happy gets again! Yay!

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