She's literally dying.. right now.


C'est La Vie
Aug 16, 2015
Baldwin Park, California
My Coop
My Coop
One of my Cream Legbar chicks is in the processing of dying. I don't know what to do.. it keeps doing this "gasping" motion..
They were shipped to me yesterday and only the Splash Isbar died. The rest were very healthy, including the one dying right now. It was running around, eating, drinking, pooping.
Just a happy little girl. Then this morning, I noticed that it was sleeping but in a strange position.. on it's back with it's feet up in the air, wings splayed, and neck crooked. That didn't seem right so I dipped it's beak in Save A Chic water and it basically drank with gusto then collapsed as if it used all it's strength. I separated it and it spent the whole day today sleeping. When picked up, it would open it's eyes for a second then close it and go to sleep. I blended some fermented starter with some of the Save A Chic water and syringe fed it 2.5 CC's. I then gave it a bit of crushed garlic with some egg yolk because I have no idea what's wrong with it and thought the garlic could kill some bacteria if that's what was killing it. It's now just laying and "gasping" or having very labored breathing. I think it's about to die and don't know what to do...

It had bright green poop today but that could've been from the Gro-Gel. I'm so confused as it was so healthy yesterday. In the brooder are only chicks that are all from the same breeder. The rest are very healthy.
Not much you can do for the dying one but look to saving the rest. If the poop is not bloody then I would start on duramycin right away and see if that helps because its broad spectrum then when treating try to find out whats causing it if the duramycin does not fix the proplem
Sometimes some chicks aren't correctly formed, and sometimes they aren't strong enough to survive the journey to you, it's not unusual for one out of a batch to not make it especially in the first two weeks. I'm glad you got yourself some new chicks, good luck and sorry for losing the one.
Some chicks in ever batch well just die from not being strong enough so the antibiotic wont hurt to be sure but how old are your chicks ?
Not much you can do for the dying one but look to saving the rest. If the poop is not bloody then I would start on duramycin right away and see if that helps because its broad spectrum then when treating try to find out whats causing it if the duramycin does not fix the proplem
Ahh.. I am new to poultry and must order it. She has barely been here for a day so I believe it was shipping. I ordered the first shipment of chicks from the same breeder last week and they are all very healthy! The one's that are shipped along with her and the one's from a week ago are thriving.

The tough thing is that it is hard to know what is wrong with such a small chick... You are doing everything right... Keep it seperate for, warm and cozy. It can be a blocked crop, viral infection or anything. Hopefully someone can help!
She just passed
I buried her in the back yard.. sigh.
Soooo sorry for your loss....
Thank you..
Sometimes some chicks aren't correctly formed, and sometimes they aren't strong enough to survive the journey to you, it's not unusual for one out of a batch to not make it especially in the first two weeks. I'm glad you got yourself some new chicks, good luck and sorry for losing the one.
Actually, when I ordered the first batch, I only ordered 4. Only one passed from that shipment. The second time, I ordered three but she threw in this one as a packing peanut. One was DOA and this was seemed fine but I guess wasn't. Luckily, today the breeder drove two hours down here to go to Disneyland and ended up bringing two chicks for me.

Here Dakota was, just yesterday:


She seemed fine, but did snooze a lot yesterday.. Perhaps she was slowly deteriorating but my untrained eye was unaware.
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At their age there's not a lot you can do, they aren't old enough to develop infections, it was probably just stress and low blood sugar, or something internal, I always make sure the chicks have sugar water to drink for the first week to get them going.

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