How / why did you become a chicken addict ?

Howdy flewdcoop

What a great idea for a thread! I hope lots of people reply as I would like to know how people became addicted also.

I blame my cats!

We have two indoor cats who had an outdoor, enclosed run. When we moved they did not have a run; so that they were still able to go outside, we bought a small coop and attached a run until we could make them something bigger.

When we finished their larger run we had an empty chicken coop .. can’t leave that empty!

2 x bantams was our ‘Welcome to Chickens’ .. 2 x bantams has become 6 x bantams and numerous renovations, extensions to both the coop [now coops joined together] and run.

I used to be one who spent lots of time cleaning the house and while looking OK, the garden was not the best. Now that I have chickens, total turnaround .. while looking OK, the inside of the house only gets a quick once over and the garden, because I enjoy spending so much time in it with my gals, looks beautiful

I am addicted! I wonder what I did with all my spare time before chickens
G-day Telia

Yeah I'm interested in the social interaction between people and their birds.

Thanks for your contribution
Oldhenlikesdogs, if you like goofy turkeys you will love goofy EMUS. The Sheriff and Kathy in Mo. used to have them and the videos were hysterical, from hatch to grown up.
Oldhenlikesdogs,   if you like goofy turkeys   you will love  goofy EMUS.      The Sheriff and  Kathy in Mo.  used to have them and the  videos were hysterical, from hatch to grown up.
I always wondered what it would be like to raise a tiny chick who grows bigger than me, unfortunately I have to downsize to smaller animals because I keep getting knocked about too much, if only, lol, I wonder if they would they come running like turkeys do when I yell, here Emu, Emu, Emu.
Well it was a spare of the moment thing for me. We were riding down the road and my better half asked me and the kids if we'd like to get a few chicks at tsc. First thing I thought was, yeah I'd like to have some fresh eggs. Obviously the kids jumped on board. So we got the chicks and supplies in March of this year. After watching them grow, I realized that they were so sweet and had so much personality. I never expected to get so attached to them. Also never knew that they made great pets. The perfect pet that actually pays you with its eggs. Love them to death!
Yep a good omelette can motivate.

We took in chickens from someone who lived in the city, and who had bought 'Easter chicks for the kids.' When they outgrew the city yard, we agreed to take them. Soon they outgrew their little coop that they came with, and the hubby and friends built a large coop for them. I can't say I am a chicken addict, but I do like the eggs. I wish we didn't have a roo, though, he is mean and I've lost some flesh and blood to him, lol. Hubby enjoys sitting out in the chicken yard in the afternoons while having a beer. I like to try out new foods on them to see if they like it.
Well that darn rooster just thinks he's protecting his ladies.

When...1977 folks ordered a batch of white Leghorns from McMurray, and got a "rare exotic" chick. Little brown Easter egger that stuck out like a sore thumb in that sea of white. Besides her color, she had puffy cheeks and a beard--how cute is that? And then, when she finally started laying, her eggs were blue
. Remember, 1977 and EE/Ameraucana were new to the States, most folks had never seen or heard of a blue or green egg laying chicken. She was the talk of the neighborhood. I named her Indian and if I recall, she lived a good 5 years or so.

Mom and Grandma always kept some birds, so I grew up with them. Took a few years off when I got married, it was hard enough finding a house that allowed a dog, let alone chickens. But we moved to acreage and got chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc. I've had chickens ever since.

Why....lots of reasons! it started as eggs and meat. Now it's progressed to breeding projects. Add in the entertainment factor, the learning involved when you get into genetics, the help to a garden, the free waste disposal (not only disposing of food waste, but turning it into quality protein for the family!), the stress reduction....and everyone needs a hobby
It's a great hobby even if it works you all hours of the day & night.

Thanks everyone for your stories.
For me, or started back in high school as a project for my biology class. Now, I'm in college and it grew on me. I owned about 30 chickens, five turkeys and three ducks. I'm new here by the way.
When I was young, my grandpa had chickens. One day I went out to feed and get eggs and the Rooster was not too fond of the idea. He came charging at me.
I was little, and ran screaming. The next morning, same thing. Only this time a very large hen, Rhode Island Red, came scurrying over to deffend my honor! Pecked that rooster right in the face.

After that, I was hooked, but was never able to get my own chicks until a few years ago. Three years in with my girls now! Have a Gold Laced Wyandotte who reminds me of "Bossy" the RIR who came to my rescue.

Just got some more chicks a week ago, and am honestly hoping one of my pullets ends up being a well behaved Roo

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