I just bought 16 chicks

Here is the 16 growing like weeds! They are all different colors, does the tail pointing up or down say anything about the sex? This is their new cage, I am letting my girls, the laying hens, get used to them.
I was told on here by people who know how to tell, so i told them what I was told and then I said instead of a refund, just send me some pullets that you have. They looked and said they had no pullets available and refunded my money.
The blacks look a lot like the barred rocks I got this spring

The buff ones are prob sexlinks

Yep, I see BRs in there... Maybe some RIR.. If the Buff ones are sex link, then they are female, and the yellow ones would be male. But if they're just white rock, Cornish X, or any number of other breeds, they could be female.

Unless sexed by wing tips during first 48 hours after hatch, sex link, or vent sexed, they are too young to tell by looking at them. Especially when not knowing the breeds.

In another week, there will be some pink combs popping up; those would be roos.
I got 26 from Murry last week also. I ordered poulets and they sent me two extras. I have no idea if they are male or female yet and I don't care just yet. just want them to get a little older before cold weather hits. All are doing fine. Yours look like mine. I got 6 barr rocks and 6 rhode island reds, 6 buffs orphs and 6 white leghorns, if that's any help to you.
I was thinking Buffs and Leghorns too. I do think you might have some Cornish X's in there. Either way, getting straight run doesn't mean you are guaranteed one way or the other what sex any or all of them will be. You have about a 50/50 chance with each one, so, I guess you'll find out soon enough. It's like being pregnant. Whether you find out at two weeks or when the baby starts kicking, it doesn't change the fact that you are or are not pregnant. So, enjoy them, and watch for the combs to change and for their behavior. The roos will probably be much more social with you, coming up and investigating everything you do, while the hens will probably be just the opposite.
I am enjoying them all.. I also received a "rare" one, but I do not know which one that would be yet. I have named a few of the more aggressive ones... the white one with big yellow feet... larger than any of the others pokey, because "he" pokes his head out at my fingers when ever I try to open the door or put feed in... the most protective and always after my hand when it goes into the cage, it one of the BR with the biggest white spot and the most white in his feathers and of course he is "protector." My laying hens are now able to see the little ones and Goldie the sexlink, she wanted to get some of their food but the big 3 were trying to peck at her. She didn't like it, so instead of being nice, she poked back and they all ran. :) I put a grate up so neither can bother the other ones... I want to combine the groups, when the babies get much older, any advice on doing this so no one gets hurt.

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