Hatching Mistake Need Advice


Sep 26, 2015
Upstate New York
Ok I got 26 eggs from a guy he says hatch them and we'll split the chicks, awesome deal. Well today is day 21 and I awoke to a whole lot of peeping, but I forgot to turn the turner off. By now the windows are so fogged up there are huge water droplets covering the little windows so that it is very difficult to see in. What I can make out is at least 10 chicks and I can see more pipping. I think I can also see a chick stuck sideways in the turner. Of course I turned off the turner soon as I realized my mistake and heard chicks in there. So my question is should I open it to rescue any stuck chicks or will this interfere with any that didn't hatch yet?? Also is it supposed to be that wet in there that I can barely see in. Ive hatched chicks in the past and dont remember it being that wet in there. Its an older hovabator I think with auto egg turner that I pulled out of the attic for this hatch.
If it were me I would get in there and rescue the stuck chick. It does sound like excessive humidity. I don't think you will do much damage if you are quick and careful.
Thanks, opening it briefly will dry it up some as well. Just don't want to shrink wrap the rest. The surrounding environment is about 65 degrees, I wonder if that is responsible for the heavy condensation.
H, pls don't panick, I open my incubator all the time and I have 100 % hatching rate. I like to hold them when they hatch I belive we got a stronger bond like this;-)
Just rescue the one or more safety first it's happened to me before and all survived.
Thank you for the reassurrance! We just removed 18 chickies! The one that was stuck has a bloody head but seems to be moving around ok. That's 9 for the guy, 9 for us. More might hatch still. Although I'm giving some of mine to my sister because I'm concentrating on building a mainly blue egg laying flock (recently got juvenile Legbars too!). The guys hens are RIR, Leghorn, and EE, his roo is RIR, they are pretty it'll be hard to pick.

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