Winter is coming


In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2015
My 2 year old daughter became obsessed with chickens on our neighbors farm. So he gave us eggs and an incubator and now I have 13 buff orp/ black australorp crosses. 8 are males and vary in color from black to red to white splash. All have brilliant green and blue irridescent sp feathers.

Clearly I cannot keep 8 roos but I'm getting attached and they're really beautiful. They are 16 weeks old today

Anyone in Connecticut who wants to adopt old reach out.

I'm anxious to downsize their coop as well and I'm looking for plans if you all know of a site

Ive been reading your blogs for 6 months and you all got me thru this process. I'm happy to finally engage wth you all

Hello :frow and welcome to BYC!
There is such a glut of roosters needing new homes, it is very hard to place them. People answering ads for free birds, tend to have them for dinner.

It sounds like you had a pretty successful hatch with the fertile eggs, congrats! Bet your daughter found it all pretty amazing.

Once you have 20 posts you can use the buy-sell-trade forum here on BYC. A free re-homing thread is part of that section.
It's not hard to get the minimum 20 (and lots more) by joining in on the conversations that interest you, chat with others in your state thread, or even welcome new members like yourself.

There are excellent ideas for coops of all sizes here:
And this forum will be helpful in answering your coop questions:

Good luck finding good homes for your boys and with your coop re-do!
Interested in chickens you have but not ready for the roos just yet! Please message me if that is something that can work for you...

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