The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

Chick #1 is now all the way out of the shell! I think I scared it into getting out when I slid the tray open to add water to my sponges, since the humidity dropped to about 60%. In the escape from the scariness, the chick got between the inside end of the drawer and the side of the 'bator. Since I had to take the drawer out to rescue the chick (otherwise, closing the 'bator would crush the chick, I pulled the shell out and checked the others for pips. No pips yet.


I think that's poo in the shell...

Not poo... think of it like vernix caseosa, the stuff on a newborn infant when it first comes out...
I didn't think there'd be poo, but it certainly looks like it! I'll definitely bow to your experience, though.

I haven't heard anything under Frieda yet, but we're less than 2 hours into Day 20, so I'm not worried about it.
Oh, and movie night has been postponed due to illness, so I'll have to find some other distraction. Don't know if I can find one better than The Princess Bride at someone else's house...
I think that's poo in the shell...

I agree with above. Just like with human birth, the first poo can happen at any time, even before birth, which is a possible medical emergency due to the infant drawing the meconium into the lungs. It can happen during or many hours after the after birth. The intestines have a build up of dead cells and crud removed from circulation which will be eliminated as the first BM before actual ingestion of food.
I can't really see what that is in the picture--but it looks normal.

This picture shows the bit that comes off after the yolk is absorbed. It might be part of the chalaza:

inside the egg in the front, you can see a greenish glob of stuff.

Congratulations on your hatch!
@lazy gardener (or anybody!) what would be a good incubator you could make or buy (read: cheap) that would hold around 6-10 eggs? I have never done anything with brooding chicks exept i had a broody once and i just let her set and she hatched 3. I did take the babies and brooder raise them as she was pecking at them.
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