Guide Information About Using Store Coupons

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BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
We have finally upgraded the BYC Store to give you a better experience.

We do have some confusion with using coupons.
When entering a coupon, you will need to to view your cart to add the coupon. If you go directly to checkout, they system thinks you are ready to checkout and pay.

If you know your order total will be zero (in cases of special coupons), you will be given the option of free checkout. Just proceed and confirm your order.
If you have added other things to your order or if you have a balance, you can proceed to PayPal to complete your transaction.
Add your username and the contest you won, if applicable when using a coupon, please. Orders without that info won't be processed.
You will find the comments section here under delivery method.

Hope that helps with coupon confusion!
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We have finally upgraded the BYC Store to give you a better experience.

We do have some confusion with using coupons.
When entering a coupon, you will need to to view your cart to add the coupon. If you go directly to checkout, they system thinks you are ready to checkout and pay.

If you know your order total will be zero (in cases of special coupons), you will be given the option of free checkout. Just proceed and confirm your order.
If you have added other things to your order or if you have a balance, you can proceed to PayPal to complete your transaction.

Hope that helps with coupon confusion!
To recap from the post above to give more detail....

1) Add the item corresponding to your coupon to your cart. For example, if your coupon is for a 10 pack of widgets, don't put a 10 single widgets in your cart. Put a 10 pack of widgets in your cart. The instructions you got are very clear on this.
2) Add anything else you may want to purchase.
3) Click the order amount and then the 'View Cart" button
4) Click where it says "Use Coupon Code"
5) Keep following the prompts.
6) Complete your order. If you only used a coupon and the item you want includes shipping you will get a message saying so. If you owe money for shipping or additional items, you will be directed to PayPal.

If you still need help, please contact me.
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