9 Random Babies (4 weeks old) HELP!


6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
Picked this assortment up yesterday... They had purchased the eggs of full size birds to put under their setting Bannys... My guesses are in parenthesis for sex and breed [I am a novice so no judging] :) Thanks in advance for your help! I love this BYC community!

"Black One" Black feet/legs-some yellow spots, Black beak and single comb (Maybe a Maran Mix?/Pullet)

"Black Two" Black/Yellow Splotched feet & legs, Black beak and pea comb; speckled feathers (???/Pullet)

"Black Three" Black/yellow legs, black beak, yellow pea comb (???/Pullet)

"Black Four" Black with red like you see, only on breast, black and yellow beak and yellow single comb (???/roo)

"Fawn" Brown/black/white speckles, yellow head, legs, beak and single comb (Speck.Sussex cross/pullet)

"Freckle" Brown and black, yellow head and single comb, yellow to olive colored legs (EE/pullet)

"Hawkeye" Grey/Black chipmunk color, olive legs, yellow pea? comb (EE/??? possibly roo)

"Snow" Off white, with black here and there, pinkish yellow legs, yellow single comb (???/roo)

"Speckle" Dark brown/black, yellow feet and legs, brown beak and yellow pea comb (EE/pullet)
I got a batch of chicks this past summer that had at least 4 like your white one with some black spots (only two survived the hatching) and they were all quite large. The two survivors are now 26 weeks, and though I had suspected one was a rooster, they are both hens. One has yellow legs, and one has black/yellow legs, and has a little gold showing on the neck recently. The hen that brooded them was a black sex-link. I had two roosters at the time--one B rock and one that I think was a black Australorp. So I don't know for sure which fertilized her eggs. And I'm very curious as to how they ended up white. !!

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