Truly free range, or in a run?


Apr 5, 2015
We will be closing within the next 10 days on a house in the country
It's about 2 acres
is the run strictly for protection? What other uses would I need a run for?

If we don't use a run, will they know to lay eggs in the nest boxes or will I be having year round egg hunts? (Lol)

And will they come inside the coop at night?
If you keep your chickens in the coop for the first 2-3 days (and nights, of course), then they should know where to return to on an evening time (at least mine did).

A run is better for protection both from predators and any thing you may wish to grow. Having said that, personally i find great pleasure in watching my small flock do laps of the garden and do "chicken things". Having said that, hawks (and the odd mongoose) are the only real predators where i live (cats are chased away by the chickens) and yes, i have lost a chick to hawks, but thats a price i am willing to pay for letting them free range in the garden.

Good luck and enjoy your new house!


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