Day 22 and no action in the incubator

In the end I pulled him / her out and into a smaller brooder box with red heat lamp and checked every couple of hours in the night. I was doubtful but before leaving this morning she was ok. Drinking water too. Good ideas for making her not so lonely thanks.
Only chicks are hard. I raised one a year ago and found myself in the same predicament today when I had to take a chick away from a not so good momma hen. You can try a small mirror, small stuffed animal or even a feather duster in the brooder for the chick to get under. At the moment I have a duster (that isn't really feathered) along with a stuffed dog covered by a shirt to make a cave like momma hen. She's been held a good share of the evening but is now (quietly-please let it last) snuggled under her stuffed dog asleep. She was just hatched yesterday morning, so she's needy.

Glad to hear she's doing better.
Well it's all happy here. Chick 1 is 24 hours old. Hubby came home at lunch to check and found another hatched in the incubator. Chick 2 now moved into the brooder and they're happy together, with mirror just in case. Might add mother figure tomorrow when they're stable. I wouldn't say they are strong chicks, but I think they'll survive in the end. Thanks for your help AmyLynne. Getting sorted for another batch putting in this weekend.
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Well it's all happy here. Chick 1 is 24 hours old. Hubby came home at lunch to check and found another hatched in the incubator. Chick 2 now moved into the brooder and they're happy together, with mirror just in case. Might add mother figure tomorrow when they're stable. I wouldn't say they are strong chicks, but I think they'll survive in the end. Thanks for your help AmyLynne. Getting sorted for another batch putting in this weekend.
That's great! It's so much easier when they have a buddy. Good luck on the next ones!

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