should i breed sister/brother?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 28, 2013
ok, so here is the story. i went to a breeder to go and buy a trio of 8-13 week old NZ mixs. my plan was to get one buck from the 13 week olds, and get 2 does from the 8 week old, because the litters were unrelated. he had only 3 black and white does but a lot of bucks. he also had another litter that was only 4 weeks old that was really cute and had good colors so i decided to get 1 buck, 1doe, and wait for another doe. i picked my doe than it was ti e to pick the buck. i gave into the cuteness of the litter related to the doe i picked and got my buck from that litter.

now here is my problem, when i had kits i wanted to put the kits on craigslist and sell them until they were butchering size and butcher the leftovers. would it be ok to sell kits that came from related brothers and sisters?

i was thinking i would try and sell the buck and buy a new one. would that be better?

PS: i found a bred proven cally doe that i am waiting a few weeks for her to wean her currant litter, than i will get her.

i hope my question was not too hard to understand and thanks in advance.
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