Fly control in yard where chicken range


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
I know all about fly control in the coop/run and hardly ever see any there. We use a mixture of sand/DE/Sweet PDZ which works really well. My problem is I let my hens out at least once a day, sometimes twice to free range in my yard and they poop everywhere. Because we water 2-3 times a weeks and the poop gets wet, this attracts the flies. When the hens are locked up I'll leave a yellow sticky trap low to the ground and that helps, a little but not much. Any suggestion on fly control in my yard that's safe for the grass and hens?

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions for fly control in the yard (if I knew, I'd be using it myself). I do want to welcome you here and say hello!
You can use those bag style traps
If you dont have a place to hang them
Then just hang it from a post
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I've been raising chickens for 50 years and still haven't found a way to keep the area free of flies, although the bag style traps that jk47 mentioned can help reduce their numbers. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in controlling the flies.

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