INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: if you dont know, I sure as heck dont know!

that doesnt surprise me, I have looked at many vids on youtube
How do y'all mark your chicks to keep them separate? I've got a pair of svart honas, then 7 chicks from a different breeder. And I'm planning a hatch. I need to make sure the babies don't get mixed up.

I tried the rainbow loom bands last year, but they fell off in the brooder. That was a mess.
LEG BANDS ideas for ID chicks: post #5609
Chickencanoes chick/chicken Identification practices post #25833

Last edited:
2/1/16 12:30 pm


Can you possible do a list for us who is clean for MG as far as bigger hatcheries and also these: Ideal Hatchery is mycoplasma positive @casportpony
RAZ BDAY WEDNESDAY whites bday Feb 19th

Making Bators~ I need updates to keep adding to our notes sections canadachickens, fire 4th cabinet, silverhair, fresnofarmer, mrleeroy you need to start one! CliftonFarmer cooler, chickenlove cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator
Coop expansions:
Silverhair, chaos18, hippiestink,


Fire Making bators too. A couple dozen BCM's and about 3 dozen out of our free range layer pen.
Sally LOCKDOWN 1/31 set more ccl, project eggs set serama eggs from sara and martha set 1/24
NestingHillsSC 2/1 This weeks hatch. 17 out of 18. Had to help one out. Normally dont do that but was almost zipped out. If it makes it it makes it. I know I have more Ameraucanas, BCMs, And the rest I for get. Barred rocks, buff Brahmas, Heritage Reds. Cant remember when I started collect the last 2
J&TRanch 1/12/16 12 self blue Cochin bantams (shipped) day 3 (going to candle today to see how many are viable).... And 18 eggs arriving in the mail tomorrow @J&Tranch My shipped self blue bantam Cochins are doing good. I had to throw out a stinker and a seeper
So out of those 10 remaining, 7 are developing nicely
They're on day 7. I ended up receiving 16 shipped from GA, they looked good considering the single digit temps- only 3 saddles and none cracked. They're on day 3 today, will candle Wednesday maybe.
Saris My hatch is done 6 DIS 24 chicks outonly had to help one out of the shell when it got stuck zipping. Hooray!
TJ Believe it or not, there are two developing from this mess! I had to wash them in hot water to get all the slime off and they have saddle cells, but I'm giving them the best chance I can. Probably won't ever turn them. So, the new batch was packed a bit better and nothing was broken, but out of 8 eggs, 4 are saddle cells and 4 are completely rolling. Set them all anyways
Casportsponyday 34 for the Muscovy eggs and it looks like I have one external pip, two internals. One of the eggs have a huge "bruise" at the bottom of the shell, so I doubt it's still alive.
LocalYokel akak JACK LOKO Over 20 quail hatched this monin Got 5 or 6 other chicks between the bantam ee and the serama @LocalYokel final hatch update? and set news?
Canadachickens Barnyard mix yeilded 8 fluffy butts out of 13 day 11 candle of silkies - 4 viable, 10 duds, 2 blood rings @canadachickens update? new set?
Venymae @venymae got an update? hope your ok! Salmon Favorelles and 11 shipped Cochin eggs on 1/15. On day 8, only 4 of the Favorelles looked good, but 8 of the Cochins did -- I left them all in the 'bator. I added 10 of my own silkies on 1/23.
gotro17 Shellee lavender Orpington shipped egg issue,Papa's Poultry. Jeff- you rocked it! Not one crack! Thank you!!! We have Bielefelders, Crested CL, BBs Marans and Mottled Lavender Orpingtons, along with some surprises from the rainbow pen! Can't wait!!!5 Marans eggs were cracked
. However, all frizzles and lavender Orpingtons were intact. Vital Farms eggs I got at Target, along with some silkies from our new friend from down the road, @Jessimom ... We are setting tomorrow for a Feb. 6th hatch day.
ChickaLong Hatch day 1 February Black sex links mostly RIR rooster over BPR hens. Down to 33 eggs in the hova-bator 1602N with computer fan32 to lock down @ChickaLong any pips chicks? pics please!!
Hawk12 have 7 blue/gold partridge brahma chicks in the incubator on day 15. Candled last night and things look pretty good. Air cells might be a little small. I lost 5 from this hatch due to a temp spike on day 3
I emailed the gal I bought them from to let her know my progress and she sent me a dozen more for the cost of shipping. That was very sweet of her to do knowing it wasn't her fault or even the PO but my faulty incubator. I'll be setting those eggs tomorrowDay 15, 7 eggs.
mrleeroy Got the eggs candled last night (day 7). Had 2 quitters but 100% fertile again. The other 12 were squirmin' @mrleeroy when is lockdown date?
deserteggs22Update on my eggs in the incubator on day 7: all 7 of the eggs have moving babies in them!!! YAY! I will do another update on day 14. @deserteggs22 when is lockdown date?
Mirajane 10 white leghorn eggs, as I've said, my dad will only eat white eggs, so I bought some white eggs for him, so I can hatch them and raise them for him. They were shipped, 5 are good, 5 have detached air cells. Sat out for a full day before being put in incubator. Also put in 11 of our eggs from... @Mirajane when is lockdown date?
PeachickieLast hatch was a bust, only shipped eggs involved. Didn't have much hope for them when they were set. Have some in loc kdown now. Either they're rocking or I'm seeing things @Peachickie did you set more?
Auroradream26My hatch is officially over. All 17 eggs hatched and now I have 17 beautiful, new BCM babies! @Auroradream26 got a hatch update? did you set more?
macylee 1/19/second week of my first incubation attempt! I have 40 eggs, 3 Swedish Isbars and 5 Cream Legbars, 2 RIR/EE eggs, a few RIR/Golden Comet eggs and the rest are RIR/Black Sex Links. @macylee How is your bator and eggs doing?
ambe0487 2/1 I put the eggs in lockdown this morning because I will be busy getting ready for the snow storm that is suppose to hit over night here, day 18 actually starts at 3 p.m. 29 eggs, which comprise of 6 Isa brown/Legbar mix, 9 EE/ Bresse mix, and 14 Buff Orp.
Fire Ant Farm I set 16 Cream Legbar eggs yesterday afternoon. Looks like the shipped eggs (Alohas with some Naked Necks in the mix) will come next week, so the tandem hatches will be a week apart. (Brinsea Octagon), and the second one will be set up tonight (R-Com 20). @Fire Ant Farm when is lockdown date?
scottcaddy 2 different broodies on eggs at about day 10 1/20
slordaz 1/29 so far with staggered hatch results were first 4 due last monday died hatching 1 pipped and drowned and 3 pipped into egg sac, while doing eggtopsy noticed an external pip on 1 of 3 due Saturday had a small bleed which used what I had on had, masa mix . it stopped the bleed well and she was drinking almost immediately withing 2 hours she was eating softened food. 2 more still due tomorrow and 7 on tuesday, never doing a staggered hatch again lolWill get more pictures when I get back from town as batteries died in the camera
Math I set backyard mix chicken eggs on Wednesday, January 20th. @Math got an update o n your candles? what day is lockdown?
abbeville oz Just set my very first eggs in the incubator last night. Praying we don't loose power due to the snow and ice storm. Silkies and BO crosses. @abbevilleoz did your electric stay on? Hope all is well @abbevilleoz got an update? when is lockdown date?
shahtir101 Just set 8 more serama eggs 1/23 got an candle update, when is lockdown, how did the show go? @shahtir101
S5apiotrowski incubator warehouse incubator. I have 3 welsummer eggs, 18 BCM, 2 easter eggers, and 5 mixed breed (BCM and Cochin cross, father is ??) @S5apiotrowski what is lockdow n date>?
MotorcycleChick 24 Easter eggers due the 12 @MotorcycleChick I didnt update this with your candle!!
PHAGE I have about 30 Trader Joe eggs due to hatch on Monday,1/25 and about another 60 eggs due in A bit over a week ( for a friend) @Phage did you set more eggs?
Chicken HAwk33 set 40 41 set.10 blood ring and thirty alive and going strong eggs set 1/23
Jessimom All 12 shipped SFs look good, 9 shipped Cochins still going strong but 2 had blood rings. Should hatch on 2/4. 8 of my silkies set to hatch 2/12 (4 clears). 12 shipped Blue/Splash silkies and 2 shipped green egg layers (bielefelders/cream legbars cross) set on 1/31. I have 20 more green egg layer eggs that will be set once the 2/4 eggs move to the other 'bator.
jwlpoultry 100 eggs due to hatch Wednesday 1/27 and 30 next monday 2/1. About to check my hatch for Wednesday and see if I need to remove any. @jwlpoultry got upates for us?
Friday Yet 6 eggs in the incubator as a first test hatch from my flock: Russian Orloffs and Half-Orloffs. Initial humidity 38%, will candle and adjust on Sunday. Hatch is due on 2/14 - Valentine's Day. Four were pulled from the fridge and will be a day later, if they are good. andled today and have 13/16 looking good with 3 clears. Will leave them in for 3 more days just in case, and pull them on day 10.
DHetzle Checked the hatcher before work and removed 25 CCL chicks. 4 more were out of their shells and drying when I left. And the first black sexlink is out too.
HeatherMarieR I have Muscovies going into lockdown Monday 2/1 @HeatherMarieR good luck with them! please keep us updated!
fresnofarmer I have officially set my 2 dozen grocery store eggs at 1/29/2016 8:45pm pst
Benny aka Akrnaf2 4 rumples Aracaouna,and 4 Partridge Plymouth rocks, this is tge first time that I h@ave bilt a bator! 1/29
Newchics blue/golden phoenix eggs I bought. First time getting shipped eggs 1/30
NTBugtraq 1/30 50 eggs into each tray this time, achieving the Brinsea Ova Easy 100 suggested limit. These eggs come from my own layers, who are first generation offspring of pure Black Copper Marans Roosters mated with a dual purpose bird resembling a Red Sexlink. These birds are inbreeds, as they are mating with their own fathers. The oldest layer is ~34 weeks old, the youngest only 24 weeks.
Bubbles1234 Set 15 (so much for 5 ) eggs, 7 EE and 8 BSL. Roos are silkie and sultan Set 5:10 PST on January 30th! @Bubbles12345 are your eggs moving yet LOL
country lovin I have 4 white leghorn mixes that are on day 10 and 5 Barred Rock, 7 Barred Rock mixes, and 4 Olive Eggers that are on day 4 1/31
daxigait 1/31 Set 66 eggs last night. I have my fingers crossed for fertility after my roos were sick.
Possible Lavenders I this time as my Lavender Orpington pullets started laying four weeks ago.


1/28/16 at 11:29pm Thanks Bubbles!
Man! You're good! My b'day was only mentioned once, in reply to a previous post
How did you get into making stained glass? You go to school to learn it? Apprentice with an artisan? Self-taught?  Sounds like anything but boring!  :clap

I apprenticed for James Hubbell when I was 15 learning from the glass master there at the time. It's been a great job. Always worked the days a week, give our take depending on deadlines. That way I had time for my horse and animal jobs as well.
Now that James is slowing down with the buildings, I spend part of the time teaching architect students glass work. The students are usually from university of Cincinnati.

I was driving down the road signing steve Earle yesterday and sang "no local yokel gonna shut me down" and I was like hey! That's where that came from?? Lol

You shouldn't sign while you need your hands on the wheel... :)
Will you be able to feed them properly? 40 mature Muscovy ducks will eat a lot of food! They will also need a niacin supplement if you feed them chick starter.

I will sell them.I will keep one male muscovy for my hen and sell the rest if that's what I hatch.if geese.I will keep one female for my male.because his girlfriend died.
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